Tired Dad,
Once the key has been filed to get your timing optimised, you should be able to remove and refit the flywheel and keep the same timing position. Just be wary of the movement available on the coil should you choose to remove that - I'd recommend setting it at one of the limits before removing any metal from the key.
If you're doing your own engine strips and rebuilds (not sure if you meant the scrut's were doing this after a race meeting), using the piston stop and even one of the cheaper timing disks you can get online for Vespas and Lambrettas, you'll be able to set the timing within half a degree of accuracy (obviously err on the safe side of the laser cut gap). The main reason I preferred just the DTi was that I could work from one side of the engine; with the timing disk you are working at both ends of the crank so need to use a mirror or sit the engine on a thin bench to make sure the crank position is correct when checking with the gauge.