Well I'm sure the recriminations will start now, but of the senior entries received for this year two were from South East based F6 guys, 5 from Llandow and one from up in the North. Given theres a competing 'closed shop' series thats apparently going to save Prokarting from the evils of the GX160 being trialled in the North and Midlands is it any wonder that no entries whatsoever came from there except the ONE aforementioned 'admnistrative error'. Some might say its political, malign even and that the birth of a new utopian society where all engines are equal requires the dismantling of the previous apparatus, possibly so but in this Brave New World there doesnt appear to be any room for the little guy building his own engine, or even innovation and for that matter dissent. One things for sure the advent of a benevolent movement to equalise the GX160 has served only to bring about a counter movement to kill it off, with Kartmania being the first but presumably not the last casualty.