I don't think it is teams themselves that are damaging karting, but I do think that some of the attitudes teams encourage doesn't help the clubby environment.
One effect is that teams often encourage drivers to follow a championship, even if it is out of place. So rather than do clubbies, clubby champs, theClubman's Championships etc, people are setting off to S1 with drivers who are only a few months off their novice plates.
And while this isn't too important with the people who as the video said "Spend £500 a weekend, that's a minimum £26k a year" (while complaining about hose who spend two or three times that) because they are at a club every weekend, it is importnt when the club grids start to follow the series and if there's a series event on, then the club grids are empty.
Yes, I can see that if one is running a 'tent / team' for money then it makes sense to promote going to S1 because the punters get to see (or hear paddock gossip) that in tent X they pay £X++, so they feel happier simply to pay £x.
Motorhomes I am pretty ambivalent about, if I didn't have a motorhome I wouldn't be karting because my wife comes with me and it can be pretty miserable sitting in a van full of tools. On the other hand, the 35foot motorhomes, with a 4 metre awning holding 1 or perhaps 2 karts are a bit excessive. The other problem is all those who arrive at a tent and expect to park their personal vehicles around it. One such tent recently had two mechanics trucks (all the tools), two support wagons (vans with tea, coffee and sitting areas) 4 mechanics vehicles and 8 associated 'family' vehicles, but only 4 karts and drivers. Family members got abusive when the track organisers asked them to move their vehicles so that karters could have somewhere to service their karts.