Did the sums last night re putting a "team" set up out there awning/truck/ workshop,all the facilities for a "clubbie team" after numorous people have asked why me and lad don't do it after all the success we have had over the years in karting and just basically helping people as we have done now I am retired .. The figures DO NOT stack up,there are no "massive fortunes " to be made at club level,especially in these recession times more so up here in the North of England. The investment aginst return is rather minimal and is certainly a long term investment. What you seem to have at club level locally are teams of ex racers/ mechanics/enthusiasts or people who just wish to subsidise their own racing or maintain and service their existing customers,although I have noticed one "new" team on the block missing from the Paddock this weekend after all the hype telling people they are usually operating their new team at 3S?? The initial outlay involved would take a LONG time to recoup and profit to carry forward minimal as our sport is so ad hoc ..So if there is a team out there that suits YOU for whatever reason,results/price/convenience etc go in with what package toy can,and WANT to afford,. There are mostly at club level some good teams up here as the big boys generally feel there are no rich pickings to be had up here and we don't part with our hard earned money as easily ..