NJB and Banzai
1) NJB.. You have, once again, mis-stated what I said. I did NOT say they make no difference. I argue that they make no SIGNIFICANT or PREDICATABLE difference. There MAY be differences but those are not in any predictable direction....i.e., an additional seat stays MAY make a difference but they sure as HELL don't do it by 'stiffening' the rear axle or 'forcing the inner-outer chassis down' any harder. Unless the standard version of steel seat support has suddenly turned, longitudinally, vastly compressible then adding an extra 'stay' pointing at the almost identical angle only supported at one end in a FLOPPY seat. I accept, that IF you triangulate the seat mountings in some way, that you may stiffen the SEAT STAY, preventing it from bending under loading but that's ALL it will do. Please note what I am saying and don't mis-quote me!
2) Banzai. Not deliberately but I have done it by accident after bending an axle. I replaced it with a 'stiffer' (hee hee..... as if!) one (all they had in stock) and it made ZERO difference..... in MY opinion..... except that it wasn't bent.....