Errrr..... 'hopping' is another confused term (for me).
In my day it referred to the repeated rising and dropping of the INSIDE side (i.e., on both wheels at the same moment) of the whole kart. That was usually associated with having the width of the rear and/or front too narrow.
What we experienced was excess grip (both ends) delivering a force what would cause the kart to start to roll-over. However, full roll-over didn't occur because, the moment the inner wheels lifted and/or, the outside tyres were presenting at such a severe angle to the track, that the grip was massively reduced, allowing the kart to fall-back onto 4 wheels on the track..... and thus gain the huge grip again.... which caused lift, which caused reduction in grip, which caused fall-back..... and so on.
Is that what we currently mean by 'hopping'? Or is the 'modern version' the unsteady 'skipping' of the kart across the track WITHOUT the 'roll-angle developing?