My point in discussing 'release' was to show what a USELESS term it is!
I previously listed two people who feel release occurs at the END of the corner..... but described something COMPLETELY different from each other (one 'releasing' the inner wheel, the other, the outer)... I then wrongly accused Nik G of claiming release occurs at the START of the corner (for which I have apologised). However, no sooner had I done that when D.I.Y. states that 'release' occurs at 'Turn In' (which is at the START of the corner).
This PROVES my point! People use the term 'release' to describe a MULTITUDE of effects and thus it's plain HOPELESS as a descriptive term. and we should STOP USING IT!
At this moment, we can't agree what 'release' is or when it occurs.... I think I have proved my point that the term is UTTER BILGE!
I'll get back to what happens to a kart while cornering later but I think my first point MUST be conceded by the rest of you!