I accept that no system or equipment lasts forever and that it will have to be replaced/ upgraded at some point.
But for some reason, S1 decided that they would go onto the Tag system which is not compatible with most karters equipment. So as with control fuel and control tyres, Go Pro camera, etc, if you want to enter S1 you have to buy the Tag transponder, probably from Mr Hoyle.
As a club/circuit, if you want a S1 round, you have to accommodate the timing requirements of the competitors who all use Tag transponders, so you have to start having TAG compatible equipment which I think S1 bring if you are not using TAG equipment at this time.
Obviously S1 dont want to keep supplying equipment so they will try to only go to circuits that accommodate them with minimal effort on their behalf. So if you want to race at a S1 hosting circuit you will have to have the TAG transponder.
So once again and this is only my opinion the MSA show that they dont care about karting as long as we buy our licence each year and the S1 promoter pays whatever he agreed when he won the bid to run S1 again.
The ABKC once again showed how in touch they are with clubs and karters and made the best decision in their opinion. I wonder how many of the ABKC committee have vested interests in this decision in one way or another.
As people say on here, if you dont like it vote with your feet. We all know that in the big scheme of karting, the cost of a TAG transponder isnt a huge issue, but its that feeling that once again you are being bent over and they dont even have the decency to use vaseline or ask if you are ready.