Agree with Hootsman,
Why do I race in rotax?
Lets start by admitting that if you put me on a "certain" chassis and a "certain" engine builder then I still would not win at super 1....... I am not good enough!!!!
However I enjoy racing with a decent grid and rotax is he closest thing to plug and play racing. The engine always starts, doesn't seize every couple of hours and I do not have to spend loads of time rebuilding my engine in the evenings after work getting ear ache from the wife.
In all the Motorsports and other sports I have been involved with, karting is the worst for people blaming equipment and thinking they are gods gift to the sport.
I wouldn't dare tell my mates during a round of golf that if I had the latest clubs then my handicap would drop from 22 to scratch. Or buy Rafa Nadal tennis racket and expect to win Wimbledon.
Stop moaning about your kart and the system, go out a race it and have fun. If you don't like it, find another's YOUR choice.....