It can be vastly expensive...... but it needn't be!
The difference is how well you choose to spend your cash! The trick is to do those things which reduce your lap times and NOT to do those that don't.
A quick example is a beautiful helmet painting job. Yes, they look FANTASTIC... BUT... they cost a FORTUNE and don't take even ONE THOUSAND of a second off your lap times....... so DON'T DO IT.... unless you have money to burn...... and yes, some b*gg*rs do! It STILL doesn't make them faster|!
Look closely at your purchases. Then make sure you are concentrating on getting the biggest improvement on your lap time for the least expenditure.
For example, low volume magnesium wheels MIGHT make a performance difference...... but...... if you need new tyres and can only afford new tyres or new wheels, then there is simply NO CONTEST. The new tyres will give you a 'bigger bang for your buck' than will the new wheels..... so buy the tyres and FORGET the fashion-statement wheels!!
Then choose a class where you can do more to keep your costs down. That's not so easy in cadet is it is once he's allowed to race TKM as 'dads' actually CAN do most of the work themselves on the TKM engine..... you CANNOT with the Rotax!
Buy secondhand and buy wisely! Ideally, buy from someone who is leaving the sport as they will want to get rid of most kart-related tools and spares. You will then get ALL the tools for a FRACTION of the cost!
Make friends at the track with people of a similar 'style' to yours. They will know many of the tricks to keep down the costs: those who arrive in VAST motorhomes or drive for 'teams' will NOT.
That's just some of the ways to keep your costs down. It's all about common sense really. You will get HUG pleasure form watching the 'rich' guys in motorhomes waste their money on fripperies.... and if you are good, you'll beat them with your 'back of the estate car' set up. That's even MORE fun!