This stuff is not difficult, I am just surprised that some of you don't know how it COULD be.... errrrrr...... adjusted to make a quick and thus VERY expensive 'sealed' motor.
You understand that ALL racing equipment is made to a 'tolerance' where, to be sold, it will be between an upper and lower limit. Outside that range, it can't be sold.
Now, let's pretend it's something as simple as size of the combustion chamber as ONE example. They MIGHT range from 123cc to 125cc and STILL be within tolerance.
Now, an unscrupulous engine builder might buy 100 cylinder heads and work through every one of them finding the one with the biggest combustion volume. He'd then (hypothetically) keep the biggest one for himself and sell the 9 other, almost biggest, heads as 'selected' to other buyers and then sell the remaining 90 to the general public as 'standard'. In truth, that now means that the average motor from that 'standard' bunch is actual BELOW average as he has removed the 10 best which reduces the average of the others.
Once he's done that he does the same for crank-shafts (earliest timing slot), inlet diameter (largest = highest top revs) best ignition coil (better spark) and so on for the WHOLE engine.
From that 100 engines he has one absolute MONSTER engine, 9 very good motors to sell at a HIGH price and 90 now LESS than average motors to sell to you....
..... and we haven't even TOUCHED on the best clutches, the best carbs, the best exhausts.... etc., etc..
With your less than average engine, you are now matched against the KILLER motor and 9 other QUICK engines...
... and you think you are on the same footing.......?
Allowing 'blueprinting' (adjusting the motor UP to the TOP tolerance range) solves MANY of those problems.
Obviously, only unscrupulous people would do this 'parts selection' and I am certain it's never happened in Rotax Max..... well .... almost certain.....