I know there has been a lot already written, shouted and moaned about, but I am confused now. I have found this in the ABKc newsletter from July
Junior upper age change for 2014 Young drivers and parents should be reminded that from 2014 the upper age for juniors will come down a year to the end of the year of their 16th birthday. This was agreed last year and was highlighted in the November 2012 ABkC News. Since there was no adverse comments during consultation the regulation was approved by Council.
Ok so why are they still talking about 'proposed' and why wasn't it in any of the 'don't throw this away' MSA rule changes that I get sent?
It also seems that 'no class has agreed to reduce the senior age limit.....so does this mean it isn't going to happen.
Its about as clear as mud...or I need more coffee!