For those that missed it on Motors TV or if you don't have Motors TV, you can view the 6 parts online via the Super 1 TV Productions Channel.
Part 1 is already online (Honda and Extreme races)
Part 2 Featuring the classic Edgar comeback drive after spinning in the chicane and down to last place, nearly uploaded. The other parts will be online as they upload thru the day (takes about two hours or more per part to upload).
Click on the subscribe button and you will receive an email each time I upload anything new to the channel, so you won't miss a race.
I have a new website at which details all of the events we are filming thru the year, and the relevant broadcast dates for each.
It features information on the new radio controlled multi rotor helicam we should have in place for filming at the GYG Super 1 round, with links to footage from the same equipment we will be using. Look for the link to the filming done in China with the same equipment.... truly amazing. Hopefully we'll have the weather to use it (i.e. not raining!)
The aircraft and flight control management system is the exact same equipment used by Top Gear.