Purchased a 'new to me' mychron 4. Had no end of problems with it at Kimbolton this weekend. The problems were that I was only getting two laps of indeterminate times (37.16 and 15.86) which is a bit quick for Kimbolton! I have it set to 3 strips and the unit turns on when you start the engine with the rpm cable wrapped around a number of times. It is set to 3 magnetic strips Split mode is Actual with start line being set at 3. Drive set up as Direct Drive number of gears n/a. RPM set up as Max 16000, RPM Factor as x1 RPM Tattle as 0. Hold RPM peak at Off. Track set as Kimbolton C1. Min lap time set to 3secs. Session mode set to lap counter, I have tried wiping a magnet across the lap sensor and it appears to be registering but then it doesn't count the laps?
Any ideas apart from go back to the alfano I have used for 12 years with no problems????