Saw a strange thing today.
It went like this:
Drivers Briefing - there will be a yellow and red card system in use today. Anyone deemed to have caused a failed start will get a yellow card and a warning flag. Same person causes a 2nd failed start will be shown a black flag an gets race exclusion.
Simples. Erm. Nope.
2nd race of the day (Honda Cadets)
1st start pole sitter gets warning Flag. 2nd start pole sitter gets black flag = exclusion
Simples. Erm. Nope.
Said lad rightly comes to pits cuts engine and climbs out of Kart. Pit lane marshal then says its ok. go back out (by this time the field has gone past and had a successful start and said lad is 3/4 of a lap down.
he was seen to be banging his steering wheel in frustration while trying to catch up.
Lad gamely tries to race but is lapped by the leaders and is accused of interfering with the leaders race.
Eventually race finishes with no further exclusions.
What is going on with the sport?
N.B I have no axe to grind. My lad is a novice, started near the back and pretty much stayed there all race.