Great video,cheque book racing? got to blame it on the parents wanting little Johnny/Jenny to be at the front almost straight away thinking that just spending loads of dosh on equipement,going with a team,following their sometimes dubious advice/tactics will achieve this.What they don't realise is that it also takes a lot of seat time,something that money don't buy,you have to earn it.Our lad has been karting since 2009,we "really" can only afford to practice and race once per month and we are not with a team! We have been "lucky" and finally got someone to help us with the cost of racing which equates to roughly a set of tyres per round.We have a smaller budget than most in the video,run a second hand 3-4 year old chassis and an out of the box engine (one £500 rebuild) BUT our now EXPERIENCED driver is now on top of his game and leading our MSA club championship.PRICELESS!