To many entries for the time available & those competitors that are there every month through rain,wind & snow are penalised for it. In the Minimax class there was as usual a first corner accident in both heats 1 & 2 what happens a red flag is shown not the yellow/black quartered flag as usual & we are all brought in to reform on the grid (how did this save time) red flag again when we tried to start heat 2 and we are told that the heat will be cancelled. All drivers & fathers excepted this until we are told how the grids will be formed for heat 3, not run as heat 2 or reverse of heat one but randomly selected & we are told that we have no say in the matter (I thought the club was there for its members) we had grid 28 in heat 1 and 14 in heat 2/3 others had grid 2 in heat 1 and 7 in heat 2/3 and this was reflected right through the grid. We are there all year for the championship not just for the TKM festival or the one off 210 event or this months special so come on Kim start to look after those who are there every month or you will lose them.