A few weeks ago my lad took part in the 1st round of NKF.
I would like to thank the helpful (and knowledgeable) bloke (and his wife) who helped me with set up.
Being reasonably new to karting im pretty inexperienced when it comes to setup, but thought i was doing pretty well.
How wrong can you be??
He spent a few hours with me, stripped the front end down and rebuilt it using similar settings to his sons.
He went out of his way to make sure everything was correctly set up and made sure I understood what the changes were for and, more importantly, how to set up correctly for other conditions.
Directly due to the setup changes, my lad improved his times by some 2.5 secs a lap!!!
With all the talk about sabotage etc, i just thought I would show that there are still some good guys out there.
A huge THANKS from me and my lad. You know who you are!!