If one clerk said yes and another said no, why not just clean the tyres using a heat gun and see if anything gets said about it? If noone says anything about it, don't worry about it. Cadet tyres are the subject of so much debate and controversy. Does it actually make any meaningful difference anyway? I've seen kids on the grid with freshly cleaned tyres and it hasn't done them any good in terms of lap times vs kids without freshly cleaned tyres. I get the impression this is a rule which is tolerated unless specifically mentioned in which case the answer seems to depend on who is being asked. Also, and I'm being deliberately vague here, I've witnessed an official in conversation with someones mechanic while someone else, in clear view of said official was using a heat gun to clean tyres and at the end of the conversation the official ignored what, according to some, is blatantly flouting the rules. If kids were going loads faster after heat cleaning the tyres I could see this being enforced more rigorously. The rule about heating tyres by any means is certainly questionable anyway. "by any means" is the problem I have with the rule. You could take the wheels off to work on the kart and put them outside your awning in the bright sunshine and this would heat them. You could put them in the cab of your van etc If the msa were that bothered, wouldn't they simply write a rule saying no cleaning tyres with heatguns?