Thanks davidmc for that. you have probably never won anything now or as a child so as a 10year old you wouldn't have known the joy it brings to win a trophy,a championship or an award to them and the family who works hard in the backgound to achieve it.. As for your 'small circle' attitude, haven't you ever wanted to beat a better football team, run faster than your mate at school, or win a race against a champion? obviously not. Because those kids or adults with drive, want to beat the best. So by having number plates and letters it identifies those people who have put the hard graft in to become a winner. It gives the kids a boost of confidence that isn't just good for their karting, it is good for their life in general.And if you didnt have these awards,winners and losers, karting/sport wouldnt exist.Because you want to race to win not come second! I would be disappointed to hear that you are bitter about others winning awards as this is clearly the case. The issue from the first thread was the fact that an official of the msa,had offended a family, who he claims to know, by belittling their sons 'c' plate. Intensionally or not,offence has been caused(fact).He claims he hasnt, but maybe he should ask the family that???