For a lambda sensor, so i can measure mixture ratios/emissions etc etc if i really really needed it up pay up to £150 for it, but at the moment i think i'd pay anywhere between 50-100 for one.
For an exhaust temperature sensor i think id pay anywhere up to £50, and thats the same for an air inlet temperature, and oil temperature sensor.
Something else that might be useful would be a combustion chamber temperature sensor. Will you be adding steering, braking, throttle etc etc sensors to analyse what the drivers doing?
If you had an axle/rear wheel speed sensor, you'd be able to see the locking/unlocking of the rear wheels that i've heard the front running drivers do during breaking, locking it up, heating up the patch of tyre, releasing and moving it round to another patch, locking up again etc etc etc that would be interesting to see on a screen.