You sound a little 'sensitive'.....
This is a rough, tough sport and you are going to get a lot HARDER knocks to your confidence when you are racing.
Look at it the other way:-
You took the test, you were advised how to do better and you passed! That's what you wanted and needed (to pass). Don't over analyse if you have been fairly or unfairly treated, you MADE it and you are now ell on the way to 'being one of us'! Check that you ARE fast enough (as I suggested before) and then go and PROVE to yourself and the rest of the world that you DESERVE to be with the rest of us!
The first race will be STRESSFUL and, if you write again nearer your first race, we'll try to give you good advice for that, too! Most of us race (raced, in my case) because it's FUN! Go and GET some!
A shorter version of this would be:-
"Man Up! You're IN: now's the oportunity to prove DESERVE to be IN!!"