From what I understand it is NOT legal for individuals to store or transport fuel in 25l cans. Also it is NOT legal to transport larger quantities and dispense fuel without a licence.
The law does not seem very clear or not crystal clear, but I'm sure if the fuel truck went up in smoke and they didn't have a licence someone would be in big trouble, same goes for 100l or so stored in a team awning.
There are legal requirements for transporting, dispensing and storing of fuel and I'm sure the organisers of racing events know this and follow them.
I came to the conlusion that everything was probably legal until an individual was given a 25l can and went off and stored it in the team shed and would a van or truck be insured for a fire with stored fuel in 25l cans?
I think the MSA should have some more rules regarding fuel at ciruits, just so everyone can be kept a bit safer.