You have now started on the long and frankly hysterical road of listening to 'pit gossip'.
After..... errrr..... MANY years in karting, I will guarantee that you will hear unimaginable B*LL*CKS said about every part of the kart with component XYZ being the 'key' to winning races. I can also tell you that the VAST majority is UTTER TRIPE!
A useful saying to remember is :-
"80% of everything you are told in karting is CR*P..... the problem is we don't know WHICH 80%"
The only two ways you can detect which is which, is:-
1) Buy it, fit it TEST it rigorously in a PROPER scientific method (one change at a time, preferably WITHOUT the driver knwing what you have changed). That's the PROFESSIONAL approach but I'll be surprised if you can afford to do that..... none of us can!
2) Ask the person who tells you that 'X Brand Wheels are fastest' or 'Y brand underpants will make you quicker' to explain EXACTLY H*O*W these magic items are supposed to work. Then, listen to their answers and decide for yourself if there is a whiff of UTTER B*LLSH*T about the explanation. You will quickly learn to recognise that smell!
YES.... each type of wheel is DIFFERENT.... but.... will the change from X to Y be in the RIGHT direction (e.g, stiffer when you want them to be stiffer and not stiffer when you REALLY needed more flexible)? That's the point! Let's guess that it's the stiffness of these 'new wheels' that's supposed to make them better: it may be all SORTS of things but let's just pick on 'stiffness' for this discussion.
Your kart is DIFFERENT to everybody else's kart. You CANNOT know what will work for your kart unless you ALREADY know what is 'wrong' with your set up! Does ANYONE KNOW if your wheels are too stiff or too floppy? If not, how CAN they P*O*S*S*I*B*L*Y know know if buying stiffer or floppier wheels will make it QUICKER? They CANNOT!
My advice? The wheels story is B*LL*CKS..... but.... of course, that could well be part of the 80% and not of the 20%!
Lastly, is the person who advised you the club champion or ar5e they winning everything at Super 1? If not...... WHY not when they know SO much about your wheels.....?
Good luck, mate, and have fun!
Before worrying about wheels etc., make sure your son can regularly deliver 5 laps in a row with lap times within 1 second of the fastest in his class on that day AND that he can deliver those 5 laps within .5 seconds of each other. Until then.... ALL his improved speed will be in his DRIVING and not the kart! Get him to do as many laps as you can manage: only then will minor changes like 'wheels' be detectable.