It’s surely no secret (or is it?) that Woodthorpe KC / Strubby in Lincolnshire is clearly the best place in the UK for (short-circuit) gearbox kart racing – both 125 and 250cc. The track enjoys by far the largest such grids in the country, on a regular basis.
One of the factors has to be that this is IKR, not MSA. And that of course provides freedom to think and operate outside the (tiny) boxes otherwise imposed on the sport.
Freedom, for instance, to try this:
And, surprise, surprise, mixing like this is obviously no problem.
Instead of spending time year after year – and again for 2013 (!) – renewing the rules for long since dead ‘classes’ like Junior Gearbox and DD2, the MSA* might take a more open-minded and forward-looking approach to ‘class’ structure before it loses out completely. It seems to me a combination of flexibility and consolidation is needed to address the needs of this shrinking market. Protectionism never works.
* or is it the ABkC, and ‘MSA’ is just the rubber stamp? I have no idea how that works. Does anyone?