....ITPRO, thats probably the most sensible post ive read for a long time on this forum and its just spot on. Were a dadnlad outfit , have had the odd day with a team, learned won n lost but having great fun on our own also. Theres a lot to be gained going solo just as there is running in a team but at the end of the day how you feel as you leave the track is most important - did you go solo, come dead last but have great fun or spend a few hundred quid and come 5th? which has greater value? only you can decide. Forget delusions of F1, if its meant to be its meant to be but most likely not so just enjoy the father son time as thats invaluable. Why not buddy up with other dads in the same boat and make your own alliance? Yes, we all want to see our boys on top of the podium but at what cost..and im talking emotionally not just financially.