That's a tough one. I have ZERO factual information from the MSA (RAC). However, many people quote that the MSA looked at a number of neck braces and found that 1 did nothing, two improved the situation but two also made things worse. Obviously, that could only be on a simple 'test' and I am sure that a situation could be found where each neck brace gave benefits.
My biggest complaint would the MSA's lack of CLARITY about neck braces. If they DO know something or they have decided not to check, they should TELL us. No one has ever pointed out to me where they have, nor have I been able to find it with a small amount of searching.
We need to look at the problem. Ideally, to stop neck injuries, we'd need to keep the head 'still' in an incident. However, without keeping the BODY 'still' as well, that would be a DISASTER. If we did that by restraining the head compared to the kart, we'd also need to hold the BODY in the kart and THAT would imply seat belts or the equivalent...
The other choice would be to restain the head in comparison to the body... and that would prevent ease of movement of the head for visibility. If we tied the helmet down to the shoulders of the driver.......
I think we can trust that the MSA are doing their best. If they CANNOT 'this one is safe' or 'this one is NOT safe' then they cannot say ANYTHING. If the benefit/disadvantage is split anywhere between (let's guess) 20% to 80% or 80% to 20% then recommending or banning them would place them in the line of fire of being sued in either cae. If the evidence was un-equivocal either way, then I am confident that they WOULD be saying something.
That's WHY I feel that the 'evidence' CANNOT be clear.... or else they would have told us one way or another! If the evidence WAS clear.... why would they NOT be telling us?
This situation is NOT unique to karting. Bicycle crash helmets LOOK like a good idea. However, what has been noted is that, since there has been a HUGE increase in their use, you'd expect there to be a HUGE reduction in cycle injuries. However, that's NOT the case. What seems to be happening is that the Cycle helmets reduce SOME injuries but make OTHER injuries worse!
The evidence for using MOTORcycle helemst is NOT equivocal. The introduction of compulory helmets has HUGELY cut the serious injuries. Before they were made compulsory, transplant surgeons referred to motorcyclist, cynically, as 'doners'....