Why would anyone need Poirot? Just learn to read accounts.
If you are a member of a club, it's your DUTY to go to the AGM where these things are placed before the members and the accounts should be 'audited' and made available to the members at that meeting. My Tennis club does this. The rules require that we announce the date and location of the AGM at least 4 weeks before the meeting and we have to invite all the members to attend. The committee and/or board members usually resign and place themselves up for re-election every year or every couple of years as stated in the constitution. We do.
If you don't go to the AGM, you can't really complain about how 'your' club is RUN, can you?
I am a member of a number of boards, councils and committees, etc. and we go through EXACTLY the same procedure at all of them. It's standard procedure.
Are you a member of this club? Did you attend the AGMs? If not, why not?
I am not a member of this club so I do not know if they used the same procedures as we do. Club members will know.
I think Banzai (Andrew) is suggesting that even IF Rita and Steve paid themselves out of this sum, it would hardly be exhorbitant for the year's of work they have put-in. Clearly they have NOT paid themselves out of this amount or else it wouldn't still be in the 'assets' of the 'club', would it!