I spoke to some people who thought that Kartmania was great, mainly newbies, and other who thought that it was rubbish.
To those that thought it was great, I say "welcome"! To those that thought it was rubbish what did you expect? These are austere times, by the time aN exhibitor has got an impressive stand together, got staff there, ec etc there's a serious amount of money spent and the cash just isn't flowing round like it was a few years back. Hopefully the economy will ease soon and tempt back smaller exhibitors such as me.
Regarding the dates, Martin is stuck in that there's always a race meeting on somewhere! And he has to juggle venue availability...
So, not perfect but the industry needs something and it's good someone is dong it. I wasn't there Sunday to see he turnout, maybe we only need a one day event going on previous turnouts. It would reduce exhibitor costs considerably and may attact more stands.