"Which beggars the question, where was the MSA? And why don't they support us karters and our kart show?"
Which demands the next question?
How many people do you think work for the MSA in Karting? Most of the committees etc are made up of volunteers, most from the associations and many of those are traders.
Indeed, most of the complaints that people make about the MSA should in fact be directed at these committee members who generate most of the the rules, regulations and recommendations that the MSA then approve because they have been put forward by people intimately connected with karting.
The next question is where do you think the money would come from? There are three levels of expense, the rent of space, the stand itself and the remuneration of the MSA staff who would be working overtime.
If you got your wish and the MSA turned up, can we guarantee that you won't be grumbling about the increase in costs of your licence,etc in January?
What would you expect the MSA to do when they got there? It might well turn out to be a major embarrassment to associations if every question angry Karters asked ended up being the result of a committee. Unfortunately the same people who are likely to put in their time into organisations are also likely to serve on MSA committees. Look at the names sitting on the committees, look at the other organisations of which they are also members. Many of them, for example, are naturally members / representatives for the ABKc. Would you start blaming them and hence the whole ABKc for the decisions they have made?
Somehow I don't think the organisations, who support Kartmania, would be any too happy if it turned out to be a rod to beat their backs. Perhaps the MSA aren't invited to take an active part in the Kart show, and if they aren't playing an active part, would you complain if they were just handing out leaflets or if the people on the stand were just stand minders without the power, permission or knowledge to answer your questions?