I hear your point, but the bottom line is this 20% less air/fuel is going to hurt as is 4kg extra. Yes everyone will be in the same boat and lap records for Honda and Comer should be reset at clubs.
But... the issue as per a previous post is what problem is looking to be solved by the MSA. None, unless of course you are looking to run Iame, Honda and Comer in a Libre grid, which isn't going to happen. Some tracks already run Comers and Hondas together so what exactly is the point.
Lead I can buy in the kart shop. The restrictor plate only exists only on the benches of the engine builders. Is this discriminatory, you bet.
On Honda engines, T1s don't exist anymore, other than what's in the market at the moment. T2 may deliver an oh ah average dyno number, but my take is that they aren't all that on the track. Yes there are some exceptions, but the vast majority have a dire looking curve which I sense isn't going to magically improve by choking the carb.
Now as many say whinging and whining on here really isn't going to achieve anything. So if you actually want to do something about it drop me a note to unrestrictedcadets AT gmail.com