Thought I'd ask the question if anyone else has experienced horrendous driving from someone else when on the road, after a days karting?
I was coming up the A34 on my way home to Abingdon - nice sunny afternoon at about 3pm. I was in the outside lane overtaking and a van comes up behind me, starts flashing and getting closer. I wasn't really bothered, I was overtaking anyway and doing a good 70. He then decided to get even closer, to the stage where my Girlfriend was in the passengers seat screaming - you couldn't even see the bonnet of the van (small Citroen/Peugeot) and he was going mental. By this time I was overtaking 3 cars or so (going a fair bit quicker) and he's still behind me flashing etc.
I then passed them, pulled in and he tried to assert his authority by driving towards my door so I had to brake and swerve across the white line, then proceeded to disappear (until he got 200M down the road and got stuck again).
To my dismay as he passed I saw a picture of a Kart on the side and some writing - Motorquest Motorsport or something (Van reg had ROB or ROD at the start).
Now I wasn't really that bothered, but my other half who wasn't drive was terrified, then proceeded to say how it must be because he'd been Karting, shouldn't use race track driving on the roads etc and generally decided that everyone that karts is an *** hole.
Has anyone else experienced this? I was stunned and appalled!