As I said, I am old and grumpy and that upsets some of the kiddies here. I was brought up in the fifties when you got used to being TOLD where you stand. Some of the children here have NEVER had ANY adult tell them 'NO' and they just can't handle it when one does. God knows what they'll do when they get to the world of work......
It's sad and it doesn't usually bother me... EXCEPT when what I have 'triggered' upsets a newcomer.... as in your case.
I accept my part in this and I sometimes take a LONG break from coming here as a punishment but, I STILL think I can help and that I OWE it to a sport that has given me SO much pleasure for WELL over 50 years! That's why I come back! Sadly, many others of the Old Guys just give up and THAT's a waste of their talent that's been developed over YEARS!
As I said, I AM wrong on lots of things and wish I knew WHICH things..... The trouble is, NO ONE ELSE seems to know, either!
Just LOOK at ths BFD cretin..... Need I say more!
Enjoy your karting and this web site but you have to accept you WILL meet TOTAL T*SS*RS as well, here! Perhaps it IS me!