BFD, having read this thread and your posts no words that I can think of can accurately express how saddened I am for both you and your son.
You say that you son is genuinely interested in the sport, yet it is apparent that you have little interest in it or the others who participate in it. Do you not think that it would be an overall more fulfilling experience for both of you if took a more relaxed and open attitude toward it?
After all, as in an earlier post, can you with a clear conscience say that you are conferring life skills and an attitude towards his surroundings and peers that could possibly benefit him in later life.
As importantly I sincerely hope that your actions do not lead to any child, including your own, getting injured. I would say that your attitude and posts here would put you in a very awkward position legally.
Similarly, now that you have put this into the public domain I would go further that the MSA, the clubs and circuits in their legal obligations to protect children (and yes statutory law trumps whatever you think you might have signed up to with the MSA, the club or the circuit)that if your identity became known to them then if I were them I would want to take clarification from counsel before letting you enter a race or turn a wheel at the track whether competitively or not.
To which, I would add that if your identity were known then I would imagine that there are those on this thread who might be moved to inform the MSA that your behaviour at the track and on here was prejudicial to motorsport and so attract C.1.1.4 sanctions.
I say that if you're identity were known, but as you claim to have added false details here too, you should probably also be aware that forensic computing would establish it fairly quickly.
All IMHO, but net net your stance here has portrayed you as an utterly unmitigated disgrace.