I have been splitting chains for karts for 45 years now. I have used them from Cadets all the way to 250cc gearbox. Done properly (and you need to THINK about what you are doing when you are splitting AND rejoining), then there has never been a problem.
You will not do such a good job if you try to re-join them 'in situ' as it's harder to do a good job without the ease of access on a bench..... but it's not impossible.
Why SHOULD there be a problem?
Ok.... if they are chains with 'o' rings then they need extra care but....
Finally, you COULD use s 'split link'.... again, people worry about those but I used them with 52bhp in 125 gearbox and those deliver a DAMNED sight more force to a chain than will a centrifugally clutched Biland. The clutchless-gearchanges put stupendous forces on a chain and THEY never failed.... even though everybody is reticent about split links in other karts.... I don't know why!