It's not that simple. Just becasue people can VOTE doesn't mean they can CHANGE things. The Greeks don't like what they have been told to do. They wanted/needed extra loans to bail out the whole country.
Those SAME voters are EXACTLY the people who PUT Pasok and New Democracy in power over the years BECAUSE both parties gave the voters what they wanted.... and damn the consequences! If they pull out, they'll STILL owe the money..... changing currency doesn't cancel your debt! Even the Greek voters are beginning to see this, Syriza'a popularity seems to be falling FAST!
It's NOT the political parties that caused the problem, it was the MINDLESS voters who ALLOWED them to promise daft pensions and ludicrously early retirements, just to give two examples. Everybody else could see what was coming!
It's the same for us: this country, under Blair and Brown, promised us 'boom and no rececssion' whereas anyone with an OUNCE of sense knew they were lying way back in 1997! It's NOT Blair and Brown that caused our recession.... it's our VOTERS!
I love to hear the whiners, now: 'Oh... the credit crunch is SO unfair..... we can't borrow TENS OF THOUSANDS for 60 inch TVs, joke expensive plimsoles, naff extensions, German cars, tasteless patios like we USED to be able to!'
Those of us who HAVE lived trhough a heavy recession (the late 1980's to mid 1990's) saw it coming this time and stayed AWAY from borrowing!
A little clue for your future.... the NEXT recession is on the way when building societies/banks strat offering 100% (or more) mortages again! In my time, that has ALWAYS been the warning sign that the end is approaching, FAST!