Hi Wes, I did talk to someone last weekend who is involved with the decison making prosess with the msa but he wouldn't confirm anything, which was a little dissapointing as my lad is now only as good as his motors and like racingjase don't want to throw my money out of the window!
I'd like to see a change myself and my selfish reasone for this is my lad started a growth spurt back in september and it hasn't stopped he's now 9yrs 1 month and stands at 148cm (4' 11") tall!! he's in his last suit before he move's into the adult sizes. So I'd like the msa to adopt a super cadet engine as I like the idea of an intermediate class without shelling out again and again thats why rotax mini and junior max maybe so popular but then we have yet ANOTHER class so I don't know it's a tough call this one
All the best for this weekend. Bucky.