What a load of rubbish is being talked here!
A) 'Repetatedly' going over a white line IS against the rules
b) 'Leaving the cicuit' is ALSO against the rules....
BUT.... only where the driver GAINS (or fails to lose) from so doing!
They are TWO different offenses BUT the test of both is SIMPLE! Did the driver LOSE OUT by cheating....? If he did, then there's no need to penalise. If the driver managed to be JUST as fast by crossing white lines or leaving the track.... OR EVEN QUICKER.... then he should be PENALISED!
In ONE case it's 'repeatedly' that's the key and in the other... it's 'how many WHEELS' have left the track. They ARE different rules for different OFFENSES!
Using the rules in THAT way allows for drivers who ACCIDENTAL breach the rules AND DON'T GAIN from it. But....if you GAIN from it, then it doesn't matter if it was accidental or DELIBERATE! You simply get penalised from GAINING when breaching rules!