The answer is simpler than that. YOU go to Paul and offer to help him run the championship, free of charge, of course, and that will cut Paul's costs so he can then pass your kind 'gift' on to the others.....
Other than that, could you tell us how many days a week you give FREE to the people you work for, or how many jobs you do for your clients where you get no PAY for the work you do?
If YOU don't expect to work for free, why do you try to insist that OTHERS do so, JUST for YOUR benefit?
This is NOT the world of the 1950s where people did LOADS of stuff for the benefit of their community. This is the hard-headed world of profit/loss/work of the 2010s: get used to PAYING for what you want! Failing that, move to Greece and ask the GERMANS to pay for it......
Paul K is one of the G*O*O*D guys! Stop moaning at him! Karting without Paul would be MUCH the poorer!