It's a stock car tactic that has no place in karting. If you are at the back on the inside, just push on the kart in front, who spins out and takes 12 others with him/her. Easy 12 places gained at the expense of a bit of tyre rubber on the nose cone. Utimately the Clerk of Course has the power to stop it, by placing and then acting on observers reports. It seems partricularly prevalent at Kimbolton, due to the configuration, but this is not completely the reason. It requires strong officiating to reign this type of driving in, and it's not just the juniors either. Yes, first corner accidents happen in all forms of motorsport, but a driver initiating an accident of this type in any other form of motorsport than karting (with the possible exception of BTCC, arguably not a sport but show business) would probably incur more damage than a tyre mark and find some penalty points added to his/her licence or perhaps worse.
ps nothing against HKRC, if Carlsberg ran a kart club it would be the HKRC, just need to sort out the starts.