Surely... the point is simple.... discrimination between races, sexes, sexual orientation etc., etc., are only a problem when one part of a ‘group’ receives unfair treatment, preferential or otherwise, than another part6 of the ‘group’. One is always allowed to NOTICE that there might be groups (e.g., men and women, gay and straight, black and white) but one is not allowed to TREAT one group PREFERENTIALY over than another.
We all accept that (for example) treating men more preferentially than women would be unacceptable: we would correctly state that such actions were ‘sexist’.
How is it thus even POSSIBLE to consider treating women as a preferential group over men WITHOUT that action being sexist.... firstly, because it treats a group of women in a preferentially way over men... which we have already agreed is SEXIST.... and defending such utter mindlessness by stating that women ‘NEED’ preferential treatment is treating women as an UNDERCLASS..... which is ALSO sexist!
Sorry guys.... and girls..... those of us who are TRULY **N**O**T** sexist, find such suggestions insulting..... and mindless! Get sensible..... the Afro Caribbean group are not widely represented within our sport in much the same way that women are under-represented. Would we even DREAM of creating an ‘Afro-Caribbean’ trophy..........?
Treat ALL the groups the same.... and that means NO to ‘women’s trophies without a ‘men’s trophy’. By all means, have all women races...... on the same event-day as a MEN-ONLY race........! Yeah..... I can see THAT happening!