I guess the problem really is that the novice was totally unprepared for the race and his skills clearly not up to the fast pace of a race.
That's not the fault of the novice, the problem lies entirely with the system.
The novice entered the world of karting through "Lets go karting", i'm not sure who tested him and on what day but there's no way he could ever have managed to get to within 110% last weekend with his current ability. More tuition and time in the seat is all that is needed.
The safety of all on the circuit should be paramount, each individual and their parent/guardian should be mature enough to decide for themselves whether they are fully compitent to race and not just throw someone into a race because they have a licence.
Unfortunately the incident caused damage to both karts, ours has gone back to Jade for repair/straightening. My sons leg/knee has damaged ligaments which may prevent his involvement in Super1 next month which is our real concern.
I hope the novice hasn't been put off, our sport needs more youngsters/novices to come through. Hopefully his father may review his sons ability and maybe delay his sons return to racing until he has had more practice and is more compitent.