Ok, heres my two penneth. We did ARKS in March then had first race which was an absolute disaster. Part of me thinks this: WTF happened ??,,,,,OK new guy, get to the back out of the way..fair enough, dont want to hold up the experienced guys BUT there is no account taken for guys who have done a few years karting, some non MSA racing and have a 'reasonable' idea of how to race...this should be considered. Also, on race day if it werent for the very friendly people we met - Matt Quinns family to name and praise along with the Buzzin Russell dude- we would have been a bit lost, where do we need to be at what time etc, speak to who and when etc, scrutineering, sign on, briefing,,,its all a bit daunting the first time and there should be perhaps a mentor assigned for first time novices just to ease them through the minefield. Being let loose on your own the first time is a bit daunting and can imagain how lost we would have felt without the guys above around us. to be honest it felt like going to senior school the first time but everyone else spoke a different language and knew exactly where to go and at what time. we got through it though and am jumping in the fray again in October - we have had more offers of help and constructive comments off this forum {and the other one to be fair} than the circuit itself although i couldnt fault the organisation and the way the event was run - this should be addressed for novices to make sure that they get a good experience and idea what to do. I know you can say well just ask the staff/marshalls etc but when you are already a bit shocked at the magnitude of difference of race day vs practice day its a differrent matter. Mentors are whats needed - thats my conclusion as a novice. Hope that made sense, am just a novice at writing lengthy replies!! Perhaps the MSA could do follow ups with novices after they have done a race or two just to see how they feel?