We won at Shennington S1, we won at Larkhall S1, we put it on P3 at Rowrah S1 and this weekend we put it on pole at Kartmasters, all of which after outperforming others ! Everyone is beatable you just have to work damned hard and Strawberry like others have to keep working hard to stay up at the front.... Then a little bit of Lady luck comes into play !
Steve Ogden treats EVERYONE the same !!!!! An engine he built for a customer LAST week who gave backword was given to my son to try.... It is fantastic and we are now using it.... But it coulfve/wouldve been given to others with pleasure !
John Stewart is TONYKART and has excellent Ogden engines and has produced top results !!!!
We will continue to work very hard to achieve good results and Strawberry, Dan Holland etc will be doing the very same, excellent healthy competition !
John, I beleive you went one better and now have the Valley record ? See you end of the month.
Chris King