Why did you do it then? Oh because you enjoyed it perhaps?? Not everyone that goes karting thinks they are going to be the next Hamilton, but if nobody thought that then we wouldn't have the next Hamilton. We go racing because we love it and we are doing S1 not because we want to be skint or because we want to see how low we can get the minus figure down to in my bank account, it's because it seemed like the next step in our HOBBY. Some people spend there money racing classic cars, some people go sky diving, some people spend obscene amounts on holidays on a boat for a couple of weeks. We, and a lot of other family's go racing karts with there kids and love it, and I know plenty that have done very well at school at the same time as racing, how strange, how can that be possible, Alex ended up with 11 gcse's at good grades for instance and now works hard to help with funding his racing whilst gaining further qualifications. Oh yeh you forgot 4) Those with Ambition that do well and achieve there goals in whatever they are focused on. Mansell nearly ended up as your number three but for some lucky breaks. He's not working at Tesco's.