I would seriously suggest that you in the first instance: 1. Formally write to the supplier of the chassis identifying the issues you are having and to ask them what course of action they propose to take in order to address and rectify the issues. 2. If you took out a loan for the purchase of the goods you could ask them for their assistance to cancel the loan and for them to seek costs/refund from the supplier. 3. You could contact your local Citizens Advice or Trading Standards to look into the issues with the supplier on your behalf. 4. Seek out professional Legal Advice and if necessary have them take up your case. 5. Seek out others if possible who have similar/identical issues to yourself to support your issues. 6. Don't waste any monies in the first instance to have the chassis welds non-destructively tested and destructive tested. If ultimately necessary to support your claim, this work could then be commissioned. 7. Don't forget you must give the supplier every opportunity to rectify and address the issues to your satisfaction.