If you state facts and theories in the hope it further helps improve what we already have, surely they have to be open to debate and criticism. If me doubting the theories put forward about reversing tyres is a 'non constructive reply', then you laughing at my theories must also be non constructive.
My theories where obviously laughable to YOU, and yet millions of people pray to a god in the belief that it helps. People believe many things that they state as facts, based on many things they call evidence.
For example, being third in super 1 does NOT give your theory credibility. That achievement is about many things but doesn't by itself show reversing tyres is one of them. If people think achievement does give theory credibility then they should pray to a god. Senna did and he was F1 world champion.
I presume you are human and therefore can be wrong. So why do you get uppity when your theories are questioned?