Move the rear wheels in further than David is suggesting..... I doubt you'll feel the effect of 5mm..... very few drivers can REALLY feel that little movement no matter WHAT they tell you...... unless they have been told about it before they went out when they'll be able to confirm..... 'YES, 5mm made all the difference.....' ...... (as if!).
Depending on the class, I'd start by moving it in by 5 CENTIMETRES at least..... It may NOT be the final place that you choose BUT.... you'll actually be able to feel if we are right or not. If that DOES give more grip (and it DOES) you'll know that narrowing the rear INCREASES rear-grip.....
I'd also check that you have your seat far enough back.......
Finally..... I don't think you told us about the state of your tyres...... All bets are off if you have them at the wrong pressures or they are FAR too old!