The problem with nipples is that they are hollow and much weaker than a normal 8mm bolt would be.
Whether or not you can get it out with an Easyout depends on just how much torque you applied before it 'fell off'.
Because the sealing surface it what is now preventing you getting it out, it isn't going to just unwind without resistance like a normal bolt would.
The end of the nipple is smaller than the threaded bit so you might be able to drill the first part of the threaded bit out, then the bit that is sealing will fall out, leaving the sealing surface untouched by the drill bit end.
You are then left with the fiddly job of fishing out the threaded coil that is left in the hole, and that can either be hooked out to get a start on it or by using a tap of the same size, the only thing is the caliper is magnesium and a bit soft.
I do a similar thing when people jam the small jet in the Delorrto carbs and retain the original thread.
If t won't release by just drilling out the threaded portion, it may be possible to drill out to the next Herlicoil size and fit a Helicoil inset with Lctite and refit a new nipple.
It does call for some precision drilling and if you're unsure, either get an engineering shop to have a look or order a blank half caliper.