In the 16 recent years involved in kart racing there has never been a pooled engine class in MSA racing, to my knowledge. It has been sugested a few times. I would not be interested. IT'S JOLLY WELL SEALED! The 2 current 'sealed' engine classes, rotax and Comer can be stupidly expensive at the top end. The unseadled single engine class I am involved with (TKM if you cannot guess)is not. It has a highly defined set of regulations that are straightforward to police. That is what is needed in 'other'classes. I have not looked closely at KGP (or Easykart) but they appear to be similar to TKM. As for number racing. Everwhere is down. People are just doing less, either being short of cash or the perception of being short. We have our first club motox race meeting this weekend. We will find out on Sunday what the turnout will be. Practice was up last week with people practicing for this weekend, but generally we are down 25 to 30% on 2 years ago.